tpcl 寫:A declaration of cracking/hacking of SimHK Smart Reminder and the product server
tpcl 寫:A declaration of cracking/hacking of SimHK Smart Reminder and the product server
tpcl 寫:A declaration of cracking/hacking of SimHK Smart Reminder and the product server
tpcl 寫:A declaration of cracking/hacking of SimHK Smart Reminder and the product server
hamu278 寫:tpcl 寫:A declaration of cracking/hacking of SimHK Smart Reminder and the product server
cracking 同 hacking 都唔知點解,就咪學人亂用啦
hkmtrhah 寫:hamu278 寫:tpcl 寫:A declaration of cracking/hacking of SimHK Smart Reminder and the product server
cracking 同 hacking 都唔知點解,就咪學人亂用啦
同埋點解我只係拆我自己 sent/gotten 嘅 packets 都會俾人吉屎忽?
(唔好意思呀 e 記,呢個我真係要用高登 icons 先表達到我心情)
hamu278 寫:hkmtrhah 寫:hamu278 寫:cracking 同 hacking 都唔知點解,就咪學人亂用啦
同埋點解我只係拆我自己 sent/gotten 嘅 packets 都會俾人吉屎忽?
(唔好意思呀 e 記,呢個我真係要用高登 icons 先表達到我心情)
理鬼得佢 唔通佢會走去報警咩
hkmtrhah 寫:hamu278 寫:hkmtrhah 寫:hamu278 寫:cracking 同 hacking 都唔知點解,就咪學人亂用啦
同埋點解我只係拆我自己 sent/gotten 嘅 packets 都會俾人吉屎忽?
(唔好意思呀 e 記,呢個我真係要用高登 icons 先表達到我心情)
理鬼得佢 唔通佢會走去報警咩
當佢有 tkpnsip / breadedbridge / mos_d510 呢三條友嘅「優良血統」嘅時候佢係真係會的。
hamu278 寫:hkmtrhah 寫:hamu278 寫:tpcl 寫:A declaration of cracking/hacking of SimHK Smart Reminder and the product server
cracking 同 hacking 都唔知點解,就咪學人亂用啦
同埋點解我只係拆我自己 sent/gotten 嘅 packets 都會俾人吉屎忽?
(唔好意思呀 e 記,呢個我真係要用高登 icons 先表達到我心情)
理鬼得佢 唔通佢會走去報警咩
hamu278 寫:hkmtrhah 寫:hamu278 寫:tpcl 寫:A declaration of cracking/hacking of SimHK Smart Reminder and the product server
cracking 同 hacking 都唔知點解,就咪學人亂用啦
同埋點解我只係拆我自己 sent/gotten 嘅 packets 都會俾人吉屎忽?
(唔好意思呀 e 記,呢個我真係要用高登 icons 先表達到我心情)
理鬼得佢 唔通佢會走去報警咩
hkmtrhah 寫:hamu278 寫:hkmtrhah 寫:hamu278 寫:tpcl 寫:A declaration of cracking/hacking of SimHK Smart Reminder and the product server
cracking 同 hacking 都唔知點解,就咪學人亂用啦
同埋點解我只係拆我自己 sent/gotten 嘅 packets 都會俾人吉屎忽?
(唔好意思呀 e 記,呢個我真係要用高登 icons 先表達到我心情)
理鬼得佢 唔通佢會走去報警咩
岩岩玩完周公 online
KeroChu 寫:
佢地D產品都唔支援Windows之外既OS [ 3 6 9 ]
hkmtrhah 寫:hamu278 寫:hkmtrhah 寫:hamu278 寫:tpcl 寫:A declaration of cracking/hacking of SimHK Smart Reminder and the product server
cracking 同 hacking 都唔知點解,就咪學人亂用啦
同埋點解我只係拆我自己 sent/gotten 嘅 packets 都會俾人吉屎忽?
(唔好意思呀 e 記,呢個我真係要用高登 icons 先表達到我心情)
理鬼得佢 唔通佢會走去報警咩
岩岩玩完周公 online
tpcl 寫:You have got a same problem which has done by many children in Hong Kong before.
im very sorry to tell you that your sentence also contains a few mistakes:
should be "the same problem", not "a same problem"
and to be more accurate, it should be "has been done", not "has done"
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