今日 HISTORY 3 粒鐘,無嗰種失敗感,可能因為以前做得差,今日表現又唔係差
完全唔夠時間,9 條 S.Q.(寫一頁紙嗰啲題目)做得 8 題,1 題 10 分既求其寫啲嘢比佢
"The policies adopted by Germany from 1898 to 1914 are the major cause of the First World War." Do you agree?"
好彩有溫 Weltpolitik
"What are the problems faced by the peace makers in 1919 - 1920? To what extent did they solve the problems effectively?"
抄返 DBQ 既 source,咩 lack of moral validity, contradiction of principles, principles are too ideal
有一題 DBQ 仲講 ECON 既「理論」
AJP Taylor 話 "Psychologists blamed the pugnacity of human nature",解釋咩意思,拉咗成堆 ECON 野黎講,"similar to tautology" "true but explains less or even nothing"