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文章發表於 : 2013-08-03, 22:58
大家可唔可以花少少時間send個email去 customerserice@ea.com
I'm here to write to you about the issue of lacking (Traditional) Chinese loading screen for University Life & Island Paradise. I have installed University Life & Island Paradise awhile ago and I realised my loading screen is in English even though I have installed my game in (Tradtional) Chinese. I heard this is caused by the change having Maxis in charge of the expansion packs rather than the Sims 3 team as all the expansion packs released before University Life comes with a (Traditional) Chinese loading screen. I'm not sure if this is the case, however, I would like to know if it is possible for this to be fixed in the next patch? Also, as this is now the "trend" for new expansion packs to be released without a (Traditional) Chinese loading screen, I hope this trend would be stopped. As "Into The Future" would be the last expansion pack for the Sims 3 series, I hope this would be a nice ending for Simmers who play their game in (Traditional) Chinese, so I hope the Sims 3 team or Maxis can take their time to make the artwork for the (Traditional) Chinese loading screen of "Into The Future". Also all stuff packs (apart from High End Loft) lack of (Tradtional) Chinese item description & (Traditional) Chinese loading screen and some store worlds do not have a (Tradtional) Chinese name, it would be good if this can also be fixed in the next patch. This would be a gesture of the team to show their respect to Simmers who play their game in (Tradtional) Chinese.
Thank you in advance

可以就轉載去其他模擬市民嘅論壇啦(巴XXX etc.)

Re: 大家花少少時間...

文章發表於 : 2013-08-03, 23:26

Re: 大家花少少時間...

文章發表於 : 2013-08-03, 23:51
我IP買既係中文,但係我載入畫面是出英文,我覺得出Island Paradise冇咩問題喎,
如果佢地下一隻”into the future“寫住(Origin寫左)“前進未來”,我返而會覺得好核突囉,會令我諗起中國國歌! :D

Re: 大家花少少時間...

文章發表於 : 2013-08-04, 19:44
我只係覺得既然係中文版就中文晒佢... 唔好冇啦啦個loading screen係英文... 噉之前嗰啲loading screen都係中文架啦... 唔明點解係都覺得英文好睇啲-,- 你話我強迫症又好, 完美主義又好.. 我只係覺得佢哋翻譯個game做中文就翻譯晒佢.. 雖然香港人慣咗又中又英... 但既然成個game都係中文, 個loading screen都中文埋佢啦...

Re: 大家花少少時間...

文章發表於 : 2013-08-04, 20:08

Re: 大家花少少時間...

文章發表於 : 2013-08-09, 12:08
如上 ;)