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文章發表於 : 2008-11-02, 15:09

andy 比我的,每隻字睇清睇楚,唔好比泛民生果方向英國洗腦,並且絕對唔係挺共文章。 ;)

Re: 好文分享

文章發表於 : 2008-11-04, 10:52
Lots of people have receive money or things from PRC for speak for them like Google, Yahoo, M$, baidu and microsoft. What can prove that the 索羅斯 tell the truth without receive any kind of bribe?

The reason that PRC imports thugs and goons is they want to produce a big enough voice to stand on PRC's ground. They are all educated with the party culture and they are only work as the way for the party wants.

Don't you think that the govt spend the money to the mainlanders that suppose to spend on our livelihood.
I want UK to go back to HK because at lease people's have better living quality, people at lease don't have to live in a govt of thugs and goons. Have you remember 4, July, 1989? PRC kill lots of people due to they work against the party. The british at least give some people UK citizenship to escape and BN(O) is going to turn equal to BN soon as some EU countries treat BNO as BN.
In this year, in the earthquake in PRC, the HK govt betray us to give money to PRC to rebuild the Tofu buildings. They worked against the basic law for the PRC and they are using HK's money for PRC's good.

The commies are just making you guys feel good about them and then plan for the future. May be an example to show ROC that it is possible to run as the same method as HK.

And also, if you love the party, why don't you give up your Canadian citizenship and come back to your motherland?

Re: 好文分享

文章發表於 : 2008-11-04, 13:26

Lots of people have receive money or things from PRC for speak for them like Google, Yahoo, M$, baidu and microsoft. What can prove that the 索羅斯 tell the truth without receive any kind of bribe?

What can prove that a252 tell the truth without receiving any kind of bribe? :o)

The reason that PRC imports thugs and goons is they want to produce a big enough voice to stand on PRC's ground. They are all educated with the party culture and they are only work as the way for the party wants.



Don't you think that the govt spend the money to the mainlanders that suppose to spend on our livelihood.


I want UK to go back to HK because at lease people's have better living quality, people at lease don't have to live in a govt of thugs and goons. Have you remember 4, July, 1989? PRC kill lots of people due to they work against the party.

越南船民嗰啲唔係叫 goons and thugs?請你上聯合國睇下生活水平指數,香港 2005-2008 年既生活水平指數高過 1997 及之前。

The british at least give some people UK citizenship to escape and BN(O) is going to turn equal to BN soon as some EU countries treat BNO as BN

我只可以話你乜都唔識,乜都老作,以為我唔識去查。首先,我想問你知唔知幾時英國唔比 BNO 有居留權?你唔好彩,andy 早就比咗香港討論區篇文我睇,早排有人寄信去,EU 無諗過會認 BNO 做歐盟護照,而英國政府都多次「不會研究」BNO 會有英國居留權。如果英國咁愛你又點解唔比 BNO 有居英權呢?相對對面海既澳門,葡萄牙愛民如子,真係比歐盟護照喎,咁你又點講呀?唔洗又話封信係假又點啦,你自己寄信去啦。

仲有,你喺外國出事,你攞 BNO,英國大使館唔理你的。英國咁愛你,你又自稱大英子民,點解又唔理你呢?我呀爸攞加拿大護照法國比人打劫,中國大使館就算要休館都幫我呀爸聯絡到香港入境處為止,咁樣唔係一個好好既例子咩?你唔信我,fine,你上多啲旅遊網,好多人試過咁既經驗。

In this year, in the earthquake in PRC, the HK govt betray us to give money to PRC to rebuild the Tofu buildings. They worked against the basic law for the PRC and they are using HK's money for PRC's good.


The commies are just making you guys feel good about them and then plan for the future. May be an example to show ROC that it is possible to run as the same method as HK.



And also, if you love the party, why don't you give up your Canadian citizenship and come back to your motherland?

我講咗 N 咁多次話我申請唔到,如果你係要話我唔肯放棄的話我無言以對。
