Microsoft 佳作 ~ Microsoft Virtual Earth ( xp only )


Microsoft 佳作 ~ Microsoft Virtual Earth ( xp only )

文章bananasims » 2007-07-02, 16:20

因為 vista 內置 Virtual Earth

三月用 vista 嗰陣都知有呢個軟件, 不過嗰陣上唔到網未用過
四月先知可以喺 xp 度用, 影咗幾幅, 陣係知有美國既 3D 立像
好過 Google Earth, Google Earth 材質非常之差 :ugeek:

雖然有啲似 Google Earth, 不過我覺得特效幾好. 好似所有瀏覽器都用到 ( 唔知 Safari )

我仲未影費城, 新奧良, 底特律同芝加哥, 因為好耐都未 load 到啲樓

有亞特蘭大, 三藩市 ( 金門大橋, 灣區大橋 ), 拉斯維加斯, 洛杉磯, 邁阿密, 西雅圖, 紐約市


按 3D 即可
影像.從心 At the heart of the ímage
文章: 13541
註冊時間: 2005-09-22, 00:00

Re: [分享] Microsoft 佳作 ~ Microsoft Virtual Earth ( xp only )

文章samchu » 2007-07-02, 16:51

多謝分享 , 得閒試下

Re: [分享] Microsoft 佳作 ~ Microsoft Virtual Earth ( xp only )

文章bananasims » 2007-07-02, 16:52

不過好 lag :oops: 冇 Google 咁快,
影像.從心 At the heart of the ímage
文章: 13541
註冊時間: 2005-09-22, 00:00

Re: [分享] Microsoft 佳作 ~ Microsoft Virtual Earth ( xp only )

文章efilm » 2007-07-03, 20:55

System requirements for Virtual Earth 3D (Beta)

Virtual Earth 3D (Beta) requires the following:

* A computer that's running Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2, Microsoft Windows Server 2003, or Windows Vista
* Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
* 32-bit or 64-bit version of Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or Windows Internet Explorer 7, Mozilla Firefox 1.5, or Mozilla Firefox 2.0
* 250 MB or more of hard disk space
* A 1.0 GHz processor (2.8 GHz or faster recommended)
* 256 MB of system memory (1 GB recommended)
* 32 MB video card (256 MB recommended) that supports Microsoft DirectX 9, with 3D hardware acceleration enabled
* A high speed or broadband Internet connection


* Virtual Earth 3D is currently supported in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and Australia. Check back later to see if Virtual Earth 3D has been released in your country or region.
* If you have a multiple-monitor hardware configuration, we recommend that you view Virtual Earth 3D on your primary monitor to avoid possible performance issues.

Windows only。非 IE or Fx 的 browser 都唔支援。
文章: 1379
註冊時間: 2005-10-10, 00:00
來自: 天水圍

Re: [分享] Microsoft 佳作 ~ Microsoft Virtual Earth ( xp only )

文章bananasims » 2007-07-03, 21:02

因為 Vista 係內置所以話 xp only :oops:
我唔知 2000 呢啲白堊紀時代 Windows
影像.從心 At the heart of the ímage
文章: 13541
註冊時間: 2005-09-22, 00:00

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