tpcl 寫:Im very sorry to tell you that I have learnt about myself when i was in primary 4!!!!
i know what is does and what services it provides!!!
The validation tool will list all error and warnings in your webpage coding for you, right??!!
If it pass the required level, it will give u a icon/logo thing to EMBED it to the site to let people know, right??!!!!
Also our current website is bad, i know that. THEREFORE WE ARE MAKING A NEW ONE-WE HAVE STARTED ALREADY!!
bottom line, please make sure what we know and what we dont know before saying like:
唔係呀?W3C 個 Vaildation Tool 都唔識?
但係我絕對唔能夠保證可以做到「去 www 某 server 送回檔案資料」呢個動作。
第一個 arrow 我頭先響上面已經 reply 左,懶打。
第二個 arrow 嗰句我係講緊個 dl-er cross-platform 響 Linux 用嗰時個問題,你唔好搞錯。
第三個 arrow ,我呢句已經唔係曲線,HKIX 響香港內連咁多網絡、ISP,自然內連好快。如果我自己砌完 server 我都會放去 HKIX 做託管。tpcl 寫:FYI, you still haven't reply me about:
tpcl 寫:但係我絕對唔能夠保證可以做到「去 www 某 server 送回檔案資料」呢個動作。
our program does this exactly. we use webclient to do this. i think u know how to configure it right?
而且嗰句我係講響 Linux 個運作,你要挑我機都唔該合理先挑。
重有呢,wikia 個 JC4277 再響網典狗寫我呢,我就真係搵人寫你架啦。
到時寫到你一文不值就唔好學 KTT 咁哎媽媽幫手。