SIMHK 的網頁及下載程式的問題


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SIMHK 的網頁及下載程式的問題

文章matthew20029 » 2009-10-12, 19:24

這個主題是由 BVE 版的「johnwong32000加入左Simhk(香港模擬鐵路製作)」分割出來。即是由那篇文章之後就會接駁到這篇文章。
這個主題是討論 SIMHK 的網頁及下載程式的問題。有關該組織的其他問題請到 BVE 版的相應主題討論。


唔好意思,你個高智能程式反而會令 server 負荷增加
因為你個高智能程式導致咗 server 要做以下嘅動作:
1) 進入網頁
2) 下載高智能程式
3) email 驗證
4) 下載檔案

1) 進入網頁
2) 下載檔案



好簡單, 人地港急只係發過一個POST(PANEL), 但佢個網一直咁HIT
點解? 佢既作品有質素囉
與其整一堆一擔擔既野, 倒不如集中D啦, 我唔信無人留意

文章: 45
註冊時間: 2009-06-18, 19:41

Re: johnwong32000加入左Simhk(香港模擬鐵路製作)

文章Freeman » 2009-10-12, 19:30

matthew20029 寫:我雖然電腦不勁,但也清楚知道以上問題。


HOST去其他網站(box.net之類)咪得, 又可以自己控制幾時DELETE個FILE
文章: 1680
註冊時間: 2008-06-25, 21:04

Re: johnwong32000加入左Simhk(香港模擬鐵路製作)

文章johnwong32000 » 2009-10-12, 19:37

Freeman 寫:
matthew20029 寫:我雖然電腦不勁,但也清楚知道以上問題。


HOST去其他網站(box.net之類)咪得, 又可以自己控制幾時DELETE個FILE

Kinkidt Customer Service Hotline: 69263510
文章: 364
註冊時間: 2008-08-26, 14:47

Re: johnwong32000加入左Simhk(香港模擬鐵路製作)

文章tpcl » 2009-10-12, 19:52

唔好意思,你個高智能程式反而會令 server 負荷增加 :ugeek: :ugeek:
因為你個高智能程式導致咗 server 要做以下嘅動作:
1) 進入網頁
2) 下載高智能程式
3) email 驗證
4) 下載檔案

1) 進入網頁
2) 下載檔案

May I have your attention please, to "下載高智能程式" is very fast, approx. requires less than 2 secs only. Its file size is about 27.609375KB only.
email 驗證: The email verification is also required. We know that a small amount of users are abusing the download system. This email verification is to make a record for us for statisticsand tracking uses only.
PHP is a good idea too but PHP often load slower than other objects, files on a standard server. Our server isnt fast enough, therefore it is impossible to integrate PHP on the site.
The downlaod program interface will be improved and will provide new functions for ease of use. So a normal user can download the program with a few clicks only. Please note that email verification is still needed to prevent abuses.
文章: 18
註冊時間: 2009-05-14, 20:24

Re: johnwong32000加入左Simhk(香港模擬鐵路製作)

文章tpcl » 2009-10-12, 19:56

HOST去其他網站(box.net之類)咪得, 又可以自己控制幾時DELETE個FILE

Ermm a premium organisation wont use another service somewhere else for their product download:
Do files in BVEHK download centre links to somewhere like sendspace, RS to let user download the file?
Also as I have said email verification is still needed. Using other services CANNOT provide this email verification feature.
文章: 18
註冊時間: 2009-05-14, 20:24

Re: johnwong32000加入左Simhk(香港模擬鐵路製作)

文章Freeman » 2009-10-12, 20:06

tpcl 寫:
HOST去其他網站(box.net之類)咪得, 又可以自己控制幾時DELETE個FILE

Ermm a premium organisation wont use another service somewhere else for their product download:
Do files in BVEHK download centre links to somewhere like sendspace, RS to let user download the file?
Also as I have said email verification is still needed. Using other services CANNOT provide this email verification feature.

文章: 1680
註冊時間: 2008-06-25, 21:04

Re: johnwong32000加入左Simhk(香港模擬鐵路製作)

文章tpcl » 2009-10-12, 20:12


Yes, you're right. But isnt clearer is better? You understand/know about a thing doesnt mean that all people understand/know.
弱智,個軟件用 PHP 寫咪得。

Im sorry, our server isnt that fast. PHP will slow the loading speed down a lot. I know that if we cahnged to PHP, there will be many people complain about to the speed.
文章: 18
註冊時間: 2009-05-14, 20:24

Re: johnwong32000加入左Simhk(香港模擬鐵路製作)

文章efilm » 2009-10-12, 20:21

tpcl 寫:Ermm a premium organisation wont use another service somewhere else for their product download:

但你地的作品仲未達到 Premium 的水平喎
我試過用過你地個 app,但 2 次都唔成功(2 個唔同日子去試),而家直頭連個 app 都 dl 唔到。

tpcl 寫:Do files in BVEHK download centre links to somewhere like sendspace, RS to let user download the file?

有啲 file 響 BVEHK 的確係外連 File:

tpcl 寫:Also as I have said email verification is still needed. Using other services CANNOT provide this email verification feature.

其實呢個 step 有乜用?我只係覺得好多餘。個 app 根本就阻止唔到有人重新上載檔案,個嘢個 step 仲煩過去 Adobe 個官網 dl Trial software。煩得來仲要 dl 唔到,個 app 仲似乎係 hard code 個 dl item,好唔 Pro。
如果只係想有個 counter 功能 + 防盜連的話,我諗網上都有唔少免費的 PHP program 畀你揀,唔洗自己寫。

講返你地個網,唔考慮 Standard 同 Layout 的問題,個背景色都好大問題。深灰色底配黑色字根本就冇乜可能睇得到。

tpcl 寫:Im sorry, our server isnt that fast. PHP will slow the loading speed down a lot. I know that if we cahnged to PHP, there will be many people complain about to the speed.

其實都唔會有好多人 dl,openBVE 又唔係啲乜大 game,照計一般的 hosting plan 都可以承受得到。
文章: 1379
註冊時間: 2005-10-10, 00:00
來自: 天水圍

Re: johnwong32000加入左Simhk(香港模擬鐵路製作)

文章tpcl » 2009-10-12, 20:32

that mean for those specific files, it is really a bit inconvenient.
其實呢個 step 有乜用?我只係覺得好多餘。個 app 根本就阻止唔到有人重新上載檔案,個嘢個 step 仲煩過去 Adobe 個官網 dl Trial software。煩得來仲要 dl 唔到,個 app 仲似乎係 hard code 個 dl item,好唔 Pro。

We have taken down the program for improvement, a new version with better interface and fewer steps will be released soon.
This step is mainly for statistics use. We got 2 servers currently. To help us arrange resources evenly on each server, statistics information is needed.
But im sorry, for the Adobe trial download, it requires you to download a ActiveX download manager, before thsi it also requires you to login, after u downloaded the exe you still have to choose this and that(same as us). At least our downlaod program file size is small.....
I know that the interface is bad. I have done many improvements on it now. New version will be released soon.
其實都唔會有好多人 dl,openBVE 又唔係啲乜大 game,照計一般的 hosting plan 都可以承受徥到。

PLease note that we got 795 downloads until now when we start releasing this download program. And for some specific hours. The load of server is very high due to many people visit our webpage and download our products. Our server has hosted the webpage also, dont forget.
文章: 18
註冊時間: 2009-05-14, 20:24

Re: johnwong32000加入左Simhk(香港模擬鐵路製作)

文章tpcl » 2009-10-12, 21:02


but i would like to put it on our website, make it as part of it. also putting our products there cannot count number of downloads effiectly. and who downloaded it. we dont know.. although i know that there's a download counter..
文章: 18
註冊時間: 2009-05-14, 20:24

Re: johnwong32000加入左Simhk(香港模擬鐵路製作)

文章efilm » 2009-10-12, 21:23

tpcl 寫:We have taken down the program for improvement, a new version with better interface and fewer steps will be released soon.
This step is mainly for statistics use. We got 2 servers currently. To help us arrange resources evenly on each server, statistics information is needed.
But im sorry, for the Adobe trial download, it requires you to download a ActiveX download manager, before thsi it also requires you to login, after u downloaded the exe you still have to choose this and that(same as us). At least our downlaod program file size is small.....
I know that the interface is bad. I have done many improvements on it now. New version will be released soon.

其實個 Download Manager 係有 Java Applet 版的,最少係做到 Cross-platform。同埋佢係有 Membership 系統,意味住 login 就可以 dl 得,唔洗次次都 send email 來,Browser 都可以有 cookies 來同你自動 login。同埋佢個下載速度都可以接受到。點都好過你地果個。

Hotscripts 都有唔少 Download System 的 script 可以用:

tpcl 寫:PLease note that we got 795 downloads until now when we start releasing this download program. And for some specific hours. The load of server is very high due to many people visit our webpage and download our products. Our server has hosted the webpage also, dont forget.

網頁都唔會食好多 bandwidth,最多都係個 MediaWiki 食得多 CPU。其實而家啲 Hosting 都唔限 bandwidth 的,都唔洗特別驚。我地 IC 都有唔少 file,又唔見我地爆 bandwidth?

呀,你啲文都有唔少 typo,不如你同個 Firefox 裝個字典先啦。
文章: 1379
註冊時間: 2005-10-10, 00:00
來自: 天水圍

Re: johnwong32000加入左Simhk(香港模擬鐵路製作)

文章KeroChu » 2009-10-12, 21:29

tpcl 寫:

but i would like to put it on our website, make it as part of it. also putting our products there cannot count number of downloads effiectly. and who downloaded it. we dont know.. although i know that there's a download counter..

I think that you are one of the administrator of BVEHK, am I right?

Anyway, I don't think BVEHK's Server is not fast, I was need to wait more than 5 seconds to load a pages before I was banned.(Using BB100 and also 2GB Ram ,2.5Ghz), and I think using some file hosting service(such as filebox or sendplace etc)is better because those server of the file hosting service are more stable and than BVEHK.I don't think that BVEHK can ensure 99.9% online every month, isn't it? And I think most of ex-BVEHK ICF member are banned by BVEHK, this let them cannot download the file, that's very unfair.And finally, I suggust to spload the file to filebox/SendPlace etc.

對付D特別既人就要用特別既方法,我就唔G樓上那位仁兄是否來自BVEHK,但系一句到尾,Host系D檔案上傳空間永遠好過Host系一D Unstable既論壇(隨時卑小朋友攻陷個D論壇呢)。
-- Per ardua ad astra
文章: 1045
註冊時間: 2009-01-14, 17:38
來自: 香港,坑口

Re: johnwong32000加入左Simhk(香港模擬鐵路製作)

文章tpcl » 2009-10-12, 21:37

:arrow: Java Applet is soooooo annoying, takes long time to load for each user.... althoguh my computer is fast.....
:arrow: Im NOT one of the admins of BVEHK (DISCLAIMER)
:arrow: Anyway the program in the next version will auto save the user's name n email each time, dont worry

呀,你啲文都有唔少 typo,不如你同個 Firefox 裝個字典先啦。

for example? btw, i have installed powerword 2009 professional chi trad edition from kingsoft. dont worry
文章: 18
註冊時間: 2009-05-14, 20:24

Re: johnwong32000加入左Simhk(香港模擬鐵路製作)

文章KeroChu » 2009-10-12, 21:40

tpcl 寫::arrow: Java Applet is soooooo annoying, takes long time to load for each user.... althoguh my computer is fast.....
:arrow: Im NOT one of the admins of BVEHK (DISCLAIMER)
:arrow: Anyway the program in the next version will auto save the user's name n email each time, dont worry

Sorry, I don't think that uploading files needs Java Applet(I am not sure someone will write boring and annoyng program) .
You see, Imageshack dosen't use Java Applet, filebox dosen't use Java Applet, and I don't think upload files to Drupal system need to use Java Applet.

I have no time to talk with you but I think using file upload service must be the best choice.
-- Per ardua ad astra
文章: 1045
註冊時間: 2009-01-14, 17:38
來自: 香港,坑口

Re: johnwong32000加入左Simhk(香港模擬鐵路製作)

文章tpcl » 2009-10-12, 21:43

Sorry, I don't think that uploading files needs Java Applet(I am not sure someone will write boring and annoyng program) .
You see, Imageshack dosen't use Java Applet, filebox dosen't use Java Applet, and I don't think upload files to Drupal system need to use Java Applet.

I have no time to talk with you but I think using file upload service must be the best choice.

thanks for your opinion and i will bring it to our team for discussion
文章: 18
註冊時間: 2009-05-14, 20:24

Re: johnwong32000加入左Simhk(香港模擬鐵路製作)

文章Puff » 2009-10-12, 21:50

tpcl 寫:
呀,你啲文都有唔少 typo,不如你同個 Firefox 裝個字典先啦。

for example? btw, i have installed powerword 2009 professional chi trad edition from kingsoft. dont worry

You have got a same problem which has done by many children in Hong Kong before.


``[[plz dun use chinglish in I-Circle Forum``>,<]]]]],,
Wholehearted plastics are stranger than fiction.
文章: 343
註冊時間: 2008-08-30, 05:22

Re: johnwong32000加入左Simhk(香港模擬鐵路製作)

文章KeroChu » 2009-10-12, 21:53

tpcl 寫:
Sorry, I don't think that uploading files needs Java Applet(I am not sure someone will write boring and annoyng program) .
You see, Imageshack dosen't use Java Applet, filebox dosen't use Java Applet, and I don't think upload files to Drupal system need to use Java Applet.

I have no time to talk with you but I think using file upload service must be the best choice.

thanks for your opinion and i will bring it to our team for discussion

Your team? What team? BVEHK Administrators team?
I don't believe that you are not one of the BVEHK admin.
It you are not one of the BVEHK Admin, why do you need to discuss how to improve the uploading system of BVEHK with your team?

I am now going to leave.
-- Per ardua ad astra
文章: 1045
註冊時間: 2009-01-14, 17:38
來自: 香港,坑口

Re: johnwong32000加入左Simhk(香港模擬鐵路製作)

文章tpcl » 2009-10-12, 21:59

It you are not one of the BVEHK Admin, why do you need to discuss how to improve the uploading system of BVEHK with your team?

文章: 18
註冊時間: 2009-05-14, 20:24

Re: johnwong32000加入左Simhk(香港模擬鐵路製作)

文章efilm » 2009-10-12, 22:00

kerochu 寫:Sorry, I don't think that uploading files needs Java Applet(I am not sure someone will write boring and annoyng program) .
You see, Imageshack dosen't use Java Applet, filebox dosen't use Java Applet, and I don't think upload files to Drupal system need to use Java Applet.

我地一路係講緊 download 唔係 upload,唔好搞錯。

Email 驗證果度而家有大把即棄的 email address,你用來做 stats. 的話都唔會特別準,人地見到你個下載過程咁煩都費事下載,一啲都唔 user-friendly。
個 app 諗住畀人睇落好似 Pro 啲,但又 Pro 唔起。你地不如集中時間整你地的 openBVE 作品,呢啲 app 只係花臣嘢,當你地連基本的嘢都做唔好就唔好搞呢啲嘢,結果都係唔 Pro。

tpcl 寫:
efilm 寫:呀,你啲文都有唔少 typo,不如你同個 Firefox 裝個字典先啦。

for example? btw, i have installed powerword 2009 professional chi trad edition from kingsoft. dont worry

tpcl 寫::arrow: Java Applet is soooooo annoying, takes long time to load for each user.... althoguh my computer is fast.....

tpcl 寫:We have taken down the program for improvement, a new version with better interface and fewer steps will be released soon.
This step is mainly for statistics use. We got 2 servers currently. To help us arrange resources evenly on each server, statistics information is needed.
But im sorry, for the Adobe trial download, it requires you to download a ActiveX download manager, before thsi it also requires you to login, after u downloaded the exe you still have to choose this and that(same as us). At least our downlaod program file size is small.....
I know that the interface is bad. I have done many improvements on it now. New version will be released soon.

tpcl 寫:Im sorry, our server isnt that fast. PHP will slow the loading speed down a lot. I know that if we cahnged to PHP, there will be many people complain about to the speed.
文章: 1379
註冊時間: 2005-10-10, 00:00
來自: 天水圍

Re: johnwong32000加入左Simhk(香港模擬鐵路製作)

文章tpcl » 2009-10-12, 22:05

very sorry about the typo, i will look and double check carefully before i submit each time. and thanks very much for your remindings.
and im not pretending to be a pro. im just a normal person, not a pro. why i use english? -> i always give out the wrong meaning when i explain important things in chinese!!!!
as i have said.. again.... i will release a new dl program which is easier to use and with a good UI!!! "Email 驗證果度而家有大把即棄的 email address,你用來做 stats. 的話都唔會特別準,人地見到你個下載過程咁煩都費事下載,一啲都唔 user-friendly。"
the stats info is processed by a automatic SYSTEM. AUTOMATIC, COMPUTERIZED. not by me or by any human.....
文章: 18
註冊時間: 2009-05-14, 20:24


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